28 research outputs found

    Assessment of Neglected Areas in Vilnius City Using MCDM and COPRAS Methods

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    AbstractBased on the research carried out by foreign scientists, it has been established, that the so-called brown spots represent one of the key factors investors take into account in deciding upon their plans to pursue urban development. The focus of research on the subject of brown spots lies on the uncertainty as regards the indicators, based on which neglected areas shall be assessed. The presence of neglected urban space areas is a negative phenomenon, however, nowadays it is being successfully dealt with. Despite this, the number of newly emerging neglected areas exceeds the number of those that have been revived. The methods of reviving neglected areas, however, are targeted at dealing with problem consequences rather than at eliminating the problem itself. The social and economic context, under which countries have developed and now exist, differs, therefore, a single and universally accepted system of neglected area early indicators, that could be applicable to any country or city/town, does not exist. The authors of the present article discuss the questions of what should be avoided in order to prevent urban areas from becoming neglected during their life cycle, how to identify them in due time and how to avoid negative effects thereof. The authors have attempted to apply the idea of early indicators that has recently appeared in the scientific literature to the Lithuanian context, in this particular case to Vilnius city. Taking into account the outcomes of the previous research studies and the established hierarchy of indicators according to their significance within urban environment clusters, the authors have selected 15 most significant early indicators of neglected areas. Hence formed system of indicators may serve in practice as a basis for monitoring indicator data and tracking their changes. This system was applied for assessing Vilnius city elderates, collecting previously established early indicators of neglected areas and their numeric values and for using the attributive information contained in GIS databases of the Statistics Department of the Republic of Lithuania. The authors of the article applied MCDM method to determine the elderate of Vilnius city, wherein the future formation of neglected areas was most expected. The result thereof has been confirmed by the experts’ inquest and COPRAS method


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    A rapid rise in car ownership in the cities of Lithuania, particularly in Vilnius, has generated continuous traffic jams in the streets and thus has consequently increased a negative transport impact and demand for financial and land resources. Also, a high level of car ownership requires large reserves of transport infrastructure. Therefore, it is necessary to create favourable conditions for creating sustainable urban transport infrastructure satisfying the needs of local inhabitants. Within the framework of the European Union Structural Assistance for the period 2014-2020, Vilnius city municipality administration is planning to submit an application to receiving financial support for the implementation of the Park-and-Ride (hereinafter P&R) scheme for Vilnius. The paper is aimed at working out a multi-criteria methodology for selecting the sites of P&R lots and at carrying out a developmental analysis of P&R facilities by creating the above introduced scheme for parking lots in Vilnius City. The expert method has been used for utilizing a set of relevant criteria for planning the P&R scheme. With the help of the expert survey, the weights and significance of the defined criteria have been identified. Multi-criteria methods have been applied for calculating and presenting developmental priorities and a strategy for the implementation of the offered proposals. </p

    Lengvųjų automobilių stovėjimo aikštelių mieste vertinimas daugiatiksliais metodais

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    Disertacijoje atliekama automobilių stovėjimo vietų poreikio mieste analizė. Pagrindinis darbo objektas – asmeninių kelionių automobilių stovėjimo vietų didmiestyje pasiskirstymo sistema. Ekspertiniu metodu sudaryta automobilių stovėjimo vietų mieste kriterijų sistema. Taikant daugiatikslius metodus kriterijams suteikti rangai ir apskaičiuoti jų svorių koeficientai, kurie leido nustatyti kriterijų prioritetus ir parinkti racionaliausias automobilių stovėjimo aikštelių išdėstymo vietas miesto teritorijoje. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – pasiūlyti automobilių stovėjimo vietų mieste plėtros vertinimo modelį ir pateikti originalius automobilių stovėjimo aikštelių plėtros koncepcinius sprendinius. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, 3 skyriai, bendrosios išvados, literatūros sąrašas, publikacijų sąrašas. Įvade trumpai aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimo objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai, aprašoma mokslinis darbo naujumas, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomos autoriaus paskelbtos publikacijos, pranešimai konferencijose, nurodomas dalyvavimas tarptautiniuose seminaruose ir pateikiama disertacijos struktūra. Pirmame skyriuje pateikiama mokslinės literatūros ir kitų atliktų darbų analizė nagrinėjama tematika. Taip pat atlikta Lietuvos Respublikos, Europos Sąjungos ir kitų pasaulio šalių norminių dokumentų, reglamentuojančių lengvųjų automobilių stovėjimą skirtingose miesto teritorijose, analizė. Antrajame skyriuje atliekamas automobilių stovėjimo vietų tyrimas daugiabučių namų gyvenamuosiuose rajonuose ir prekybos centrų automobilių stovėjimo aikštelėse. Nustatyta automobilių stovėjimo vietų mieste kriterijų sistema ir suskaičiuoti jų svoriai. Pasiūlytos statyk ir važiuok sistemos koncepcijos ir teorinis modelis. Trečiajame skyriuje, taikant daugiatikslius metodus, sukurta prekybos centrų automobilių stovėjimo aikštelių vertinimo sistema, pasiūlyta statyk ir važiuok sistemos automobilių stovėjimo aikštelių mieste sisteminės atrankos strategija ir sudaryti trys originalūs automobilių stovėjimo aikštelių koncepciniai modeliai, kurie pritaikyti realiai didmiesčio erdvei. Disertacijos tema paskelbta penkios mokslinės publikacijos, iš kurių dvi referuojamos duomenų bazės Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge (ISI Web of Science) recenzuojamuose mokslo žurnaluose, dvi publikacijos pristatytos recenzuojamose tarptautinėse mokslo konferencijose ir viena publikacija – kitame recenzuojamame mokslo žurnale

    Quality assessment of book covers using shadow moiré technique

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    Shadow moiré method is often used in various areas for measurement of displacements, such as orthopedics, PCB warpage measurement and others. In this article, we propose a method for quality assessment of book covers using shadow moiré technique. Qualitative and quantitative approaches are used to estimate the quality of the book cover. In order to get a qualitative estimation, a manual count of fringes indicates a presence of the distortions of the book cover. In the second case, quantitative estimation of the displacements on the book cover can be made by applying centerline identification technique

    Performance Analysis of One-Level Signalized Urban Intersections with Exclusive Pedestrian Phases and Diagonal Crossings

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    The exclusive pedestrian (hereinafter P) phase with a diagonal crossing is routinely introduced to improve P safety at high-volume intersections. The article analyses and evaluates the feasibility of the exclusive P phase and diagonal crossing at single-level smaller intersections, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of the exclusive P phase and diagonal crossing from the point of view of time losses. In the experimental part, traffic flow modelling is carried out. The traffic flow simulations show that an exclusive P phase is most beneficial in terms of time losses at an intersection with 2+2 lane intersecting streets and ≥ 900 P/hour with ≥ 1600 vehicles/hour (hereinafter V). In addition, an exclusive P phase can be implemented at the small intersections analysed in this paper, where the volume of V is low or medium, regardless of the number of P at the intersection

    Evaluation of the requirement for passenger car parking spaces using multi-criteria methods

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    The present situation shows that the parking infrastructure in residential areas of Vilnius does not satisfy the existing level of motorization. Every evening people come home from work and end up parking cars on lawns, cycle and pedestrian paths, playgrounds, fire accesses and etc. In Lithuania, this problem emerged with the growing number of cars. There have been attempts to address parking shortage issues 20–30 years ago by building metal above-ground garages and underground car parks; but such solutions focused on existing burning needs alone. As a result, the current parking situation in residential areas is chaotic. This problem stems from the ineffectiveness of responsible institutions, which maintain the status quo. Consequently – as no car parking development projects are planned and implemented as well as no required statistical data is collected regarding conditions of car parking and etc. – people are forced to look for a solution by themselves, thus end up parking on lawns or playgrounds. This article aims to apply multi-criteria solutions (Multiple Criteria Decision Making – MCDM), which would allow indicating the worst passenger car parking conditions in residential areas from the social, economic and environmental points of view. Besides, it pursues identifying and substantiating the choice of territories that require the development of car parking solutions

    Ranking conceptual locations for a park-and-ride parking lot using EDAS method

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    Prilikom planiranja lokacije za Park&Ride (skraćeno P&R) parkirališta treba istovremeno uzeti u obzir ekonomske, društvene, urbane, okolišne i druge čimbenike. Kako bi se navedena zadaća pojednostavnila, odabrane su tri idejne lokacije za P&R parkirališta u blizini zapadne obilaznice grada Vilniusa (Litva). Cilj je ovog rada odrediti ključne kriterije koji unapređuju uspješno funkcioniranje osobnog i javnog prijevoza te rangirati navedene idejne lokacije primjenom višekriterijske metode odlučivanja EDAS (engl. Evaluation based on Distance from Average Solution).The decision regarding the location of a Park-and-Ride (P&R) parking lot must be taken by simultaneously considering economic, social, urban, environmental, and other factors. This task is simplified by selection of three conceptual locations for P&R parking lots near the Vilnius western bypass. The aim of the paper is to identify key criteria that promote successful functioning of the private and public transport systems, and to rank these conceptual locations using the Evaluation based on Distance from Average Solution (EDAS) multiple-criteria decision-making method

    Design and the main parameters of tube-shaped ultrasound wave guide wire

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death among people up to 65 years old. One of the most common cardiovascular diseases is arterothrombosis. For recanalization of arteries usage of advanced invasive mechanical devices is required. The tube-shaped ultrasound waveguide wire was designed, investigated and validated by computational finite element method and experimental techniques

    Estimation of Efficiency of Retail Centres Car Parking-Lots

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    The explosive growth of retail centres during the last decade in East European countries caused many changes in existing town structures and transportation. Big buildings surrounded by huge parking-lots appeared inside previously planned territories with little care of surrounding environment and became the brain-teaser for town planners. This article is our humble attempt to show main problems caused by increased car use for shopping, measure and compare the effectiveness of private cars parking systems in different retail and provision centres. Vilnius city is chosen because it is the best example of such invasion and variety of objects can be found here. Survey data has helped us to find the main problems, define and calculate efficiency attributes to use it in COPRAS decision support method. Developed methodology can help city planners to determine and localize problems caused by big retail centres, to enhance motivation and versatility of decisions

    The development of the model for the park and ride system in the major lithuanian cities / Sistemos „statyk ir važiuok“ plėtros didžiuosiuose Lietuvos miestuose modelis

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    Park and Ride (P&R) is the original transport system of public passengers, acting as a traditional supplement of public transport. The system is becoming widely popular in European cities. The central core of this system is composed of parking facilities in the specified parking areas at the approaches to the city with connections to public transport or special buses that allow people reach the city centre. The P&R system is based on a reduction in car density in the city centre as well as on a decrease in traffic noise, air and visual pollution. Furthermore, the P&R system is an economical and time-saving way to travel. This article has been prepared according to structural support provided by the European Union (EU) for the purpose of developing the P&R system in five major Lithuanian cities – Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai and Panevezys. Therefore, this paper is aimed at the development and application of the theoretical model of the P&R system to Lithuanian cities according to external good and bad practice. Santrauka „Statyk ir važiuok“ (toliau – SV) yra originali viešoji keleivių susisiekimo sistema, veikianti kaip tradicinio viešojo transporto (toliau – VT) papildinys. Ši sistema plačiai populiarėja Europos miestuose. Jos esmę sudaro tai, kad lengvasis automobilis paliekamas specialioje automobilių stovėjimo aikštelėje miesto prieigose ir tolesnė kelionė tęsiama VT arba specialiu autobusu. SV sistema orientuota į miesto centro apkrovos lengvaisiais automobiliais mažinimą, ji padeda sumažinti transporto priemonių keliamą triukšmą, oro ir vizualinę taršą mieste, taupo keleivių laiką ir pinigus. Šis straipsnis rengiamas atsižvelgiant į Europos Sąjungos (toliau – ES) struktūrinės paramos periodu numatytą finansavimą, skirtą SV sistemos plėtrai penkiuose didžiausiuose Lietuvos miestuose (Vilniuje, Kaune, Klaipėdoje, Šiauliuose ir Panevėžyje). Todėl šio straipsnio tikslas – sukurti ir pritaikyti SV sistemos teorinį modelį Lietuvos miestams, remiantis gerąja ir blogąja užsienio praktika. Reikšminiai žodžiai: sistema „Statyk ir važiuok“; viešasis transportas; automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė.